Hi and Assalamualaikum.Introduction? I'm a simple, loving and caring woman.I always follow my heart.i love peace not war. I hate to see people in trouble or being abuse by somebody else.
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About me
Gender Female
Industry Government
Occupation Government Officer
Location Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
Introduction I'm a simple, loving and caring woman.I always follow my heart.i love peace not war. I hate to see people in trouble or being abuse by somebody else...
Interests reading books, meeting with people, cooking, surfing internet, singing
Favorite Movies Malay and Asean's dramas, Harry Potter, Upin dan Ipin and investigation's movie.
Favorite Music Maher Zain's songs, Rossa's songs, Krisdayanti's songs, Raihan's songs, Rabbani's songs and English sentimental's songs.
Favorite Books Malay and English Novel books.majalah Wanita, Mastika, Nona, all Islamic books.
Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-56
Monday, September 23, 2013 @ 9:42 AM | 0 Comment [s]
Kita bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia....
Kita bagaikan halilintar....
Tidak gentar dgn musuh negara.....
Tahniah kepada rakyat Malaysia !!!
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